Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Triple Vow Renewal at Smith's Fern Grotto Wedding with Larry LaSota Kauai Minister

Now this is a good one.
Ah yes, the challenge of the moment. A triple header vow renewal ceremony at the Fern Grotto. And... it was a surprise for all the wives. Lots of secret planning and phone calls from Scott to Andrea of the Fern Grotto.
Usually we all ride up the the Grotto un a specially decorated boat. Well, I had to go on an earlier boat the wives wouldn't get wise. They didn't decorate the wedding boat, also to keep the wives from getting suspicious.
Larry LaSota Kauai Vow Renewal Minister Fern Grotto
When everyone gets to the Fern Grotto deck, the beans are finally spilled the girls go wild. They loved the idea.
I always like to customize a vow renewal being sure to year right as well as other personal details. I love the tenderness of a vow renewal. 
Larry LaSota Kauai Vow Renewal Minister Fern Grotto
Well, I had to make a cheat sheet to keep the names of the three couples and the number of years they were married and three different last names. I show the couples my cheat sheet  and lined them up in order. 
Larry LaSota Kauai Vow Renewal Minister Fern Grotto
They were such lovely folks and we were able to talk story as we worked our way through it all.
A wonderfully emotional time was had by all. Great job Andrea. Who even did a hula on the boat ride up!

Larry LaSota Kauai Vow Renewal Minister Fern Grotto

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